First Project of the Spring - Kid's Picnic Table

Now that spring is upon us, it's a good a time as any to get outside and start building stuff. Spring is the time when things get done, and this year is no exception. I find myself with a fairly hefty to-build list. Everything from a 3rd box garden (gotta separate out the tomatoes this year) to a large set of bookshelves to bring focus to one end of the dining room. First on the list, though, was a picnic table for my son:

I set out to build a little picnic table for my son.

100_6040 by matthew.shelton

Supply prep and table-top cutting.

100_6041 by matthew.shelton

Each tabletop piece should be the same, right? Right?

100_6044 by matthew.shelton

Putting together the table-top

100_6045 by matthew.shelton

Completed table-top

100_6047 by matthew.shelton

Table has legs! Leg supports cut and ready to go on.

100_6048 by matthew.shelton

Leg supports on. Hard to do with only 2 hands, but the squeeze clamps came in handy.

100_6050 by matthew.shelton

Mounting the first seat board.

100_6052 by matthew.shelton

Completed table!

100_6058 by matthew.shelton

Filled all of the holes, including a knot hole in one seat, with wood filler.

100_6060 by matthew.shelton

First test subject approves!

100_6061_ed by matthew.shelton

Completely sanded and ready to be primed!

100_6072 by matthew.shelton

Completed, painted table. Plans for this table (and many, many other projects) can be found at:

I don't have a huge workshop or anything, and actually, the space in the house I've been using for such things is directly under my son's room. So much for working on projects while he's napping... For this, and likely the rest of my projects, I found that our garage works fairly well. I could use a table up there so that I'm not bending over for everything, so there's some room for improvement.

This was my first time trying plans from Ana White's Knock Off Wood. I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit that I followed plans from a site meant mostly for women who haven't built anything before. Why? Because the plans are excellent and the results are great. My only beef is that her prices for wood are low by at least 50%, so whenever I'm considering building something, it's much more expensive than she lists. Sure, wood is always going to be pricier in Boston than in Alaska, but I digress.

I'm really happy with the table. It came together in about 3.5 hours not including painting time, and my son loves it. That's the real test, of course.

Apr 19th, 2010
