Putting It All Together - Utilizing Integrations Between Atlassian Products
Connecting Applications
- Create Application Links
- JIRA, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo, FishEye
- Hipchat/BitBucket some day, not now
- Not 1:1. You can create links from multiple JIRA to one Confluence, vice versa
Life of a PM at Atlassian
- Product Manager
- Conduit for all decisions
- To some, he’s the person who fights for the user.
- To the CEO, he thinks the PM is the person to whom he handed the keys to the product
- No matter what, they have a lot of stuff in the air. Lots of signal, even more noise.
- On top of that, they’re trying to plan your backlog
- “If a major project is truly innovative, you cannot possibly now its exact cost and its exact schedule at the beginning.”
- One of the most valuable things to Atlassian has been the Agile manifesto, specifically valuing responding to change over following a plan.
- JIRA Dashboard - three tabs - New is a constant
- Popular tab
- Consistent gardening
- Internal Marketing
- How do PMs use this to get their ideas out there?
- Announcements block
- re Confluence Answers, he tosses out a humble blog post about the idea
- post gets 105 likes and 44 comments, mostly very valuable
- Creates a confluence space for the project
- Faces of the people involved
- Links to the JIRA project
Confluence to JIRA and Back
- 1:1 mapping of project to space
- pasting in of JIRA issue links to Confluence become JIRA macros
- communication enablement
Developers at Atlassian
- Wired In! Laser focus.
- Search in JIRA -> Context everywhere
- Focus: Agile backlog
JIRA Meets Stash
- issue key mentioned the issue in his commit
- this becomes a link within stash
- issues in stash are transitionable from stash and it moves along in jira